
Celkové hodnocení
69 %
90 %

Služby hotelu

100 %


100 %

Pláž a okolí

20 %

Sport, volný čas

90 %


Recenze zákazníků AirstopRecenze zákazníků (1)
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  • Nejoblíbenější
90 %
22.5. - 30.5.2022
In total everything was fine. I liked the place and the small Turunc Village-it was exactly my taste. I even liked the owner,he apparently rules and runs the plase very strictly, yet he has my sympathy. And the best thing was...the cats everywhere on the streets in the shops...and the Turkish people treat them so nice. The biggest cat of the village is Pasha. You can see him by the Gunes restaurant. This cat is the boss. Make sure You meet him, if You visit that place.He appears in minute 5:25 of this video
90 %

Služby hotelu

100 %


100 %

Pláž a okolí

20 %

Sport, volný čas

90 %


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