
Celkové hodnocení
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5.8. - 16.8.2017
Recenze R.
Super dovolenka až na Travel servis tým by som dal max 10%
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22.10. - 29.10.2013
Recenze R.
Se svoji dovolenou jsem byl maximálně spokojen,letos jsem byl již potřetí v oblasti Antalya- Lara jsou zde vynikající hotely.Za stejné peníze jsem byl v Alanyi ale nebylo to ono. Raději si připlatit a být maximálně spokojen. hotel se mě moc líbil,všude čisto.V okolí hotelu spousta možností k nákupům , město Antalya blízko, velice zajímavé.
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7.9. - 14.9.2013
Recenze R.
V Concorde De Luxe Resort sme boli tento rok druhykrat, mame teda moznost porovnat aj medzi dvoma pobytmi (prvy bol na prelome aprila/maja, tento druhy v septembri). Opatovne hotel nesklamal sluzbami, tie su skutocne 5-hviezdickove. More malo 27 stupnov, vonkajsia teplota pri bazene v tieni bola 33-35 stupnov, pri mori na slnku 44-47. Clovek to ale nejako pri tom mori tak nevnima. Vsade bolo cisto, jedlo bolo vynikajuce (a vela), personal bol velmi usluzny a usmievavy. Kedze vsetka konzumacia bola v cene v ramci Ultra All Inclusive, vybrat sa skutocne dalo vsetko mozne. Za veceru v a la carte restauracii bol priplatok 10 Eur na osobu. Vecer byvala detska diskoteka, na ktorej sa maly dobre bavil. Vecerny program od 21:30 bol dost kvalitny, na dovolenkovy rezort priam necakane dobry (cinsky cirkus alebo moskovsky detsky cirkus). Hotel ako dovolenkovu destinaciu odporucam, aj ked my uz do tretice pojdeme asi inam. Hotelovymi hostami su najma Rusi, Belgicania, Briti, Holandania, Nemci a Rakusania. Stretli sme tam len dve slovenske rodiny a jednu cesku. Anglicky hovoria takmer vsetci, animatorsky team hovori minimalne dvomi jazykmi (zvycajne tromi). Rusov tam v septembrovom termine bolo viac ako v aprili. Ako hostia boli vsetci (ci uz Rusi alebo akakolvek ina narodnost) uplne normalnymi hostami; neboli hlucni, ani nijako inak neobtazovali. V okoli hotela nie je takmer nic, takze ak niekto hlada aj zabavu vonku, tu ho nenajde. Moze si ale urobit Shopping Antalya vylet a urcite dobre nakupi.
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28.4. - 5.5.2013
Recenze R.
We just arrived from our one-week holiday in Concorde. It was really great and this is my experience to share. We travelled to relax after quite busy tax season at work with 1.5 year old baby-boy. My selection criteria for this resort were following: i) close to the airport because of tired baby, ii) baby-friendly resort with kids pool, playground, baby food, iii) large green areas for exercising and walking with sleeping baby in a stroller iiv) ultra all inclusive. Concorde meets all the criteria It took us just 20 minutes to get to the resort from the airport. Lara is a nice area with all 5-stars resorts. Concorde Resort is beautiful, smiling receptionist was professional and quick (even we arrived after midnight). Baby cot was prepared in the room. We had a see-view room on the 2nd floor. Room was standard, big enough, clean and air conditioned (worked quietly). There were available safe and a fridge (with daily refilled minibar). Food was excellent - so much, so good. Really, whatever we like was there. There are many a la carte restaurants available. There was a separate corner for kid’s food served for lunch and dinner. Kid’s high chairs, plates and plastic cutlery were common. Waiters were helpful, smiling, and nice to all babies. During one dinner we couldn't find a table, even all kitchen staff worked hard and waiters were busy to clean up. There is quite a big playground with 6 swings, 4 slides, 3 monkey bars, 1 duo see-saw, 1 other fun-bar, 2 baby outdoor houses, couple of picnic tables with benches, baby-tables with baby-chairs, really big sand-pit with a roof and tower with plastic balls. Playground is in one area with a kids pool (40 cm), kids club (more for older kids, but we played there as well) and kids toilets. Area is large enough. There is a soccer field where my husband practiced tai-chi every morning and park area and guest forest where I could walk with my sleeping baby in a stroller. Water Park has 2 slides for adults and 2 slides for kids. Good fun. Main pool was nice as well as area around. Gardens were well maintained. Pool/beach towels were available daily for a change. Animation was during all the day, but we did not participate on the evening and night program because of the baby. There are available also: water sports on the beach, tennis courts, and spa with the indoor pool, doctor, mini golf, car rental, and couple of shops. Because of ultra all inclusive, there were unlimited drinks, food, sweets, fruits, ice creams etc. during all day and night. Hotel has an environmental program that we appreciated (collection of lids, used batteries, separated waste). The only bad experience was Wi-Fi. The hotel informs it's free, but connection is more than slow (sending emails took me 2 hours instead of normal 10 minutes). So if I needed to do something, I used internet in the Internet Room on the main floor. We couldn't work - that was good for us at the end :) I'm curious person so I wanted to know how good surrounded resorts in comparison with Concorde are. I have visited Sherwood Resort, Royal Wings and Dolphin Diva. Royal Wings and Dolphin Diva are nice resorts and have Luna park in addition to Concorde. However, Concorde has most green areas among visited resorts. This is more important as Luna Park now when my baby is so small. Maybe in couple of years we will go to Royal Wings or to Doplhin Diva. We enjoyed our stay in Concorde and - because I assured myself by visiting other resorts - we plan to return in September this year.
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