Info o hotelu
Vybavení hotelu
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60 %
1.7. - 15.7.2022
David Z.
Because of my bad experiance with reception in important life situation, dirty swimming pool and poor kitchen, I would not recommend this hotel. It has very nice garden,beach, friendly stuff ( despite reception) , that is everythnig OK....It is my opinion and experiance....It was my third vaccation in Dominicana....
40 %

Služby hotelu

Hotel services -I had bad experiance unfortunatelly.Hotel is situated in the very nice garden, everythging looks very nice, but : reception totally failed when I needed a help when we stayed on the open sea 500metres from the shore on the overturned catamaran, didn´t help me, even after calling them and asking for help, boat, while we were with my son pushing more far by wind and stream,it was horrible, they were 10 minutes asking me about my hotel room and then hanged up and didn´t care what happened next. Saved us a man on kayak from catamaran renting company, although he fixed the catamaran back and dissapeared,leaving us for almost 2 hours on the kayak paddling to the shore against the wind and stream. Second thing is very dirty swimming pool, not existing cleaning service for 2 weeks of stay there. And the third.... the food was rather poor......A pitty, because the hotel looks nice,the beach,sea......:-((( Other services, people OK.....
80 %


90 %

Pláž a okolí

80 %

Sport, volný čas

Every day I was in fitness, older working machine should be replaced.....but who wants to workout, he will , will be a little limited....
30 %


Not very good done beef and pork, chicken mostly pieces with bones, fish had twice, wasn´t good, a lot of fruitflies in the meel, missing healthy programme, salads, vegetable were but also tomatoes offen gone bad.....
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  • Nejoblíbenější
100 %
18.11. - 1.12.2010
Recenze R.
Příjemný hotel s kvalitním perzonálem. Ideální pro rodiny s malými dětmi. Hlavní předností je, i když většině návštěvníků je to asi jedno, bezprostřední blízkost poměrně zachovalé přírody kde je možnost pozorovat desítky druhů různých živočichů. Hotel a bezprostřední okolí čisté, ve větší vzdálenosti na pobřeží což už se netýká hotelu všude neskutečný bordel, odpady se sypou volně do buše. Na pobřeží souvislá vrstva odpadu, především plastů
100 %

Služby hotelu

100 %


100 %

Pláž a okolí

100 %

Sport, volný čas

100 %


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